National Skills Development Plan

Proposal for the national skills development plan

The National Skills Development Plan 2030 (NSDP)

The National Skills Development Plan 2030 (NSDP) has been developed to respond to the
policy goals of the White Paper on PostSchool Education and Training ( “White Paper “) to
improve both the integration of the post -school education and training system ( “PSET “), and
the interface between PSET institutions and the world of work. This is done in the context
of the objectives of the Skills Development Act (SDA).

The NSDP is grounded in the overarching policy objectives of the White Paper which are:
a PSET system that can assist in building a fair, equitable, non -racial, non -sexist and
democratic South Africa;skills development plan
a single, coordinated PSET system;
expanded access, improved quality and increased diversity of provision;
a stronger and more cooperative relationship between education and training
institutions and the workplace; and
a PSET system that is responsive to the needs of individual citizens, employers in
both public and private sectors, as well as broader societal and developmental

PSET outlining a clearer mandate and role of SETAs

The NSDP addresses problems and opportunities in the skills landscape that were identified
in a number of processes, ultimately being summarised and addressed in the White Paper…
They include the need to integrate the organisations in the skills landscape with PSET
institutions including Universities and Colleges; the need to outline a clearer mandate and
role for SETAs for the longer -term; the need for better aligned funding, planning and
monitoring mechanisms; and the reduction of multiple accountabilities.
A range of challenges relating to the SETAs need to be addressed, including: the lack of
achievement of targets; governance challenges; complicated, expensive and wasteful
administrative systems; complicated application processes for the public; and uneven
capacity across the SETAs.

In a context of scarce resources for PSET and skills development, and a need for improved
public accountability of the SETAs, it is necessary to re- examine systems and structures to
ensure that we are making the best use of resources.
The NDSP also acknowledges, however, that there are many positive aspects of the
landscape that can be built upon. The skills levy is an important resource to support the
meaningful growth of skills development and the integration goals promoted by the White
Paper provide an opportunity to align funding, planning and strategy to grow, develop and
improve the quality of PSET institutions and delivery, for more information.

Saqa has unveiled a digital certificate

SAQA has unveiled a digital certificate

SAQA has unveiled a digital certificate

Saqa has unveiled a digital certificate to help students with foreign qualifications by reducing the time it takes to get the outcome of an evaluation,Digital  Certificate of Evaluation reduces the lead time it takes to reach the qualification holder because it can be shared in real – time and can be verified in real-time as evidence to support  applications for further studies, visas, employment, registration and /or

professional licensing in South Africa.

Saqa has unveiled a digital certificate

South African National Qualification Framework

Saqa CEO Joe Samuels said is the first qualification authority in the world to launch such a digital certificate in one -year pilot project. As part of its mandate,Saqa evaluates foreign qualifications and compares them to national qualifications by locating them within the South African National Qualification Framework. The NQF Act 67 of 2008 the mandate to provide an evaluation and advisory service for foreign qualifications consistent with the act.The digital certificate comes with a digital seal and hyperlinked digital certificates ,confirming the information in the paper -based certificates.

The digital seal and certificates make use of a secure link to the Saqa database, where all evaluation outcomes are stored and confirmed. Saqa survey showed that 76% holders of digital certificates had been accepted by the institutions and 68% said it was easy for them to get the certificates and be able to use them.The survey also showed that more than 50% use the digital certificates to further their studies, while 28% use them to complete visa applications. Samuels said the digatal certificate would reduce the issue of misrepresentation of qualifications and fraud.

Saqa CEO said he hope Saqa would be able to move permanently to the digital space, this development builds on the effort Saqa has to ensure quicker evaluation of foreign qualifications through the establishment of the African Qualifications Verification Network in 2016,as well as the Southern African Development Community Qualifications Verification Network in 2017 and Saqa’s ongoing work with members of the Groningen Declaration Network. Read More